| Italy
EXP Legal is an Italian and international law firm based in Rome and Milan, collaborating with 91 law firms, member of the International Lawyers Network (ILN); it has been created by a group of practitioners who are experts in the fields of commercial and corporate restructuring laws and offers the highest standard of professional services delivering clients excellent results.
Every EXP Legal member has a high level professional background which assures the client successful results in business services and personal matters.
Without cultural or linguistic barriers, EXP members are skilled in understanding the needs and demands of clients, integrating professional experience in the legal and tax fields with the cultural entrepreneurship of clients in order to help them reach their goals and solve their problems.
Conditions of default or difficulty in meeting obligations, or dealing with liquidation of firms in insolvency proceedings, is a matter of extreme delicacy and of great importance for the concerned business, business owners, stakeholders and creditors.
In such situations only a vision which is developed professionally, ethically and with all the necessary elements in mind can help limit or avoid further damage to the business community and the Insolvency and Corporate Restructuring department at EXP Legal can perform the following activities:
• Liquidator for the administration of liquidation procedures in compulsory liquidations and for the winding up of various forms of businesses;
• Receiver in bankruptcies;
• Negotiation of recovery plans;
• Restructuring agreements, dispute settlements, assisting and advising on conditions of insolvency:
• Assisting and advising in voluntary liquidation.
Giorgio Cherubini
Giorgio Cherubini is founding partner of EXP Legal – Associazione Professionale and provides legal assistance for private and public institutions, banks and companies in the field of corporate law representing Italian and foreign clients.
He has previously been partner in important Italian and international law firms and has developed the implementation in Italy of the EU Regulation 1346/2000 on the transnational insolvency for the MG ROVER Group, providing assistance to the receivers appointed by the foreign Judicial Authority.
He has been President of INSOL EUROPE 2001 – 2002 and has been nominated Honorary member of such association, member of Editing Committee of Eurofenix, INSOL EUROPE and founding member and current Vice President of Istituto Italiano di Studi Internazionali di Insolvenza e di Risanamento (I.S.I.R).
His long-standing experience in managing company crises has made him an excellent professional representative of the insolvency sector, allowing him to be appointed receiver by the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (Ministry of Economic Development), and by IVASS (Istituto per la Vigilanza sulle Assicurazioni) on several crucial proceedings of forced liquidation and by the Bankruptcy Division of Rome Tribunal.
Since October 2018, by virtue of decree of Minister of Economic Development, he has been appointed as member of Surveillance Committee of Gruppo Condotte spa with headquarters in Rome, currently in extraordinary administration proceedings.
In the area of private clients, he assists Italian and foreign clients in estate matters and contracts, in particular in the field of beneficial and personal rights. He gained a significant experience in the administration of estates of individuals with limited legal capacity, receiving the assignment from the Tutelary Judge.
He has also served as member of Board of Statutory Auditors of trading companies and ONLUS.
He is listed in the Supreme Court register and can argue before the Cassation.
He has been author, quoting only his recent editorial activity, of the following books:
• "La liquidazione coatta amministrativa" – Maggioli Editore – 2019.
• "La riforma della crisi d’impresa" – Maggioli Editore – 2019.
• "Riforma fallimentare – Guida Commentata alla legge 155/2017" – Maggioli Editore – November 2017.
• Guida alla redazione del contratto – Ebook Maggioli – 2015.
• La ristrutturazione del debito – Guida agli accordi ex art. 182 bis L.F. – Maggioli 2014.
• La nuova responsabilità delle persone giuridiche, Giuffrè, Officina del Diritto, 2012.
• Crisi d’impresa, strategie di risanamento, Giuffrè editore, Officina del Diritto, 2011.
Furthermore, he has been co-author of:
• Il Civilista Giuffrè;
• Doing Business – World Bank;
• The EU Regulation on Insolvency proceedings, Restructuring and Insolvency, Practical Law.
His speaking engagements include:
• The Holy Grail of Greek Insolvency Law” – INSOL Europe 2018 Athens Congress;
• INSOL Europe Annual Congress, Venice 2014;
• The Italian Insolvency system: from the liquidation to the rescue culture; current trends; the insolvency of individuals; the EU Regulation 1346/2000, Abota Annual Meeting, Rome 2012;
• “The role of the professionals operating in the field of insolvency: duties and liabilities”;
• Barcelona 2008 – Pluta Rechtsanwalts GmbH III Seminar on International Insolvency Law.