Rott, Růžička c Guttmann

Vladimír Rott
Vinohradská 37
120 00
Praha 2

Tel: +420 233 370 084
Fax: +420 233 382 263

Intellectual Property | Czech Republic

The Rott, Růžička & Guttmann Patent, Trademark and Law Office was founded in 1990. It is a leading intellectual property firm serving domestic and foreign clients from offices in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

We handle applications to protect inventions, utility and industrial designs, topographies for semi-conductor products, plant varieties, trademarks and designations of the origin of products, as well as research regarding patents and trademarks. The firm also assists clients with copyright and competition matters.

When a client’s intellectual property rights have been violated, we provide solutions in private law (such as filing claims and applying for preliminary injunctions) and in public law (such as working with customs agencies). The firm counts leading global brand manufacturers as clients for anti-piracy work and has links with practitioners in more than 120 countries.

Members of staff are authorized to appear before the Offices of Industrial Property as well as the regular courts in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia. One of the firm’s partners is also an arbitrator for the Arbitration Courts of both the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Agriculture.

Our senior partners, attorneys at law, patent attorneys, legal clerks and additional collaborators have many years of practical experience in industrial property work and in all relevant scientific and technical fields.

The office has a separate branch in Bratislava - Rott, Růžička & Guttmann Patent, Trademark and Law Office v.o.s. (general commercial partnership) - founded in 1993.

Our Bratislava branch is staffed by attorneys at law, patent attorneys and office clerks. By providing representation in both the Czech and Slovak Republics, we offer savings for clients.

Across our offices, we have six attorneys at law and sixteen patent attorneys. A separate research team conducts trademark research for leading search providers such as Thomson Compu-Mark, Novagraaf-Eurosearch and Knijff Multisearch. The office provides services in English, German, French, Russian, Slovakian and Japanese.

Our partners and patent attorneys are members of the international associations AIPPI, INTA, AIPLA, FICPI, ECTA, MARQUES, and LES.


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