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Peter Jiang, C&M Law Offices, Beijing, China

Hague Rules 1924 is my favourite international convention on shipping that I have devoted my time ever since 1979 when I was a student at the Shanghai Maritime College, which is renamed Shanghai Maritime University. I only knew the name and main points of the rules at that time but not in detail in its nice wording and deep thinking behind it. I be...

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2024 marks Corporate INTL’s 17th Global Awards, the winners of which are now available to view at

During the past 12 months, Corporate INTL’s research department has conducted reviews, drawing insight from business leaders, advisers and investors based around the world, logging their nominations to produce a shortlist of candidates. The resulting hard copy publication wil...

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Turbulent times in the offshore wind sector could change the way large-scale energy projects are built and funded in the future, according to the latest EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI). Offshore wind is crucial to achieving net zero, but has experienced a difficult 12 months, challenged by a squeezed supply chain and escalating costs. Global project costs have risen by 39%...

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Storyblok has announced the results of a global survey of 1,000 consumers that reveals the content they trust and reject when making purchases this holiday season.

Websites are more important than apps and social media

A majority of consumers (43%) said a brand's website is more valuable than its mobile app (34%) or social media accounts (16%). Only 7% said email is the most valuable marketi...

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Seconded employees - employees temporarily assigned to a different role, organisation, or department - choose more innovative ideas and influence permanent staff to do the same, finds new research from ESMT Berlin.

Despite the motivation to select new ideas, individuals and organisations often still reject or overlook them. These ideas can be difficult to understand, risky, and challenging as the...

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In response to the rapid embrace of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the banking sector, especially with the impact on customer experience and internal operations, financial institutions find themselves on the brink of a transformative era. To assist banking and business leaders in navigating the service landscape, global IT research and advisory firm Info-Tech Research Gr...

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The ability to use technology strategically and apply cybersecurity controls effectively is impacted when organizations accumulate too much technical debt and fail to rein in "cowboy IT" practices, a survey by CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the tech industry and workforce, reveals.

Technical debt, which accrues when vital best practices steps are skipped during the creation of a...

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Hikvision and have recently conducted a collaborative survey, researching market sentiment towards green practices and technologies within the security industry. The survey gathered valuable insights about the importance of sustainability, and how it influences respondents' businesses and purchasing decisions.

Considerable familiarity with green practices

Survey results revealed a ...

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Immuta has announced the findings of its fourth annual State of Data Security Report, which highlights the current state of data security amid organizations' rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI tools. The 2024 State of Data Security Report, commissioned by Immuta and conducted by customer voice platform UserEvidence, surveyed 700 data platform and security practiti...

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