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This briefing is the first in a series by Codified Legal on the key legal issues posed by artificial intelligence.

Much of the current concern surrounding AI centres on large language models or generative AI, such as ChatGPT (sometimes referred to as "weak AI" or "narrow AI"), which is capable of performing tasks to a high level under direction from humans. However, other form...

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In our previous article,(1) you could already read that companies are prohibited from committing acts contrary to fair market practices that harm or may harm the professional interests of other companies. The concept of unfair market practices has many applications. In a recently published judgment,(2) the Antwerp Court of Appeal sheds light on what should be understood by the concept of unfair ma...

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The Smoking Ban: An Overview

Published: 14 Apr 2023

On May 15, 2022, the law amending the law of April 27, 2018 on the police of the railroads for completely smoke-free platforms was introduced in Belgium. This law makes train stations, including the platforms, smoke-free zones as of January 2023.

In response to this change of law, we hereby provide you with an overview of the places where smoking is prohibited.

● Closed areas that are accessib...

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As of June 19, 2021, the (old) Civil Code has a new chapter 'brothers and sisters'. The chapter was placed under Book I 'Persons', Title IX 'Parental authority and foster care' and contains 3 new legal provisions.

The new chapter applies to measures taken within the context of parental authority, foster care and the placement of a minor non-emancipated child in the contex...

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Belgian legal interest rates on late payments do not escape the current economic and financial climate either and underwent a substantial increase as from 1 January 2023 both in terms of the ordinary legal interest rate as well as that applicable to trade transactions.

The FOD Finance communicated the legal late payment interest rate, which applicable as from 1 January 2023.(1) You can find the i...

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Since the 1st of February 2021, Flemish cities and municipalities can punish limited speeding offences on roads with a speed limit of 30 or 50 km/h with a GAS fine.

A GAS fine is not possible for every speed offence. Such fine can only be imposed if five cumulative conditions are fulfilled:

1. A first condition is that the offence takes place on roads where 30km/h or 50km/h is the speed limit ...

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As from 23 November last year, in Flanders, property owners will be required to provide an asbestos certificate to their potential buyers when selling their property.

In principle, this obligation applies to any transfer among living persons regarding a proprietary right - such as any sale or donation - or any establishment or transfer of a right of usufruct, emphyteusis, superficies or a right o...

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A new report by MIT Technology Review Insights seeks to understand how organizations approach transformation and the obstacles they encounter in adapting to a continually changing business and technology environment.

The report, "Evolutionary organizations reimagine the future," is produced in partnership with Thoughtworks and draws on a survey of 275 executives and business leaders alo...

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Action1 Corporation has released its 2023 State of Vulnerability Remediation Report. Based on feedback from 804 IT professionals, the report reveals critical gaps in vulnerability management within organizations, which are being overlooked by executive leadership teams despite high-profile breaches and increased emphasis on cybersecurity from the authorities. These gaps leave organizations vulnera...

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